密技: Warzone2100

當在玩時,按T,然後打下列的指令按Enter就可以了。註: 只適用於v1.01
指令 結果
hallo mein schatz 跳關Mission skip
work harder 所有升級研究完成All active research completed
double up 軍力武器提升2All units twice as powerful
get off my land 地圖上所有敵人全滅Kill all enemy units on map
kill selected 殺死所選敵軍Kill selected units
show me the power 1000個額外能源1000 extra power
time toggle Toggle mission timer
timedemo View frame rate and graphics engine data
easy 簡單Easy difficulty level
normal 中等Normal difficulty level
hard 高難度Hard difficulty level
version View game compilation date